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Year 1 : Term 3

Lewisham Literacy Strategy


Fiction and Poetry: stories about fantasy worlds, poems with patterned and predictable structures; a variety of poems on similar themes.

Non-Fiction: information texts including recounts of observations, visits, events.

Narrative Language and Retelling
Themes and Poetry

Week 1 (1)
Week 2 (1)
Week 3 (1)
Week 4 (1)
Week 5 (1)

Comparing Texts
Week 1 (2)
Week 2 (2)
Weeks 3 and 4 (2)
Week 5 (2)
Week 6 (2)
Week 7 (2)

Continuous Work

Text Level

  • T1 to reinforce and apply their word-level skills through shared and guided reading;
  • T2 to use phonological, contextual, grammatical and graphic knowledge to work out, predict and check the meanings of unfamiliar words and to make sense of what they read
  • T4 to read with sufficient concentration to complete a text, and to identify preferences and give reasons;

Sentence Level

  • S1 to expect reading to make sense and check if it does not;
  • S2 to use awareness of the grammar of a sentence to decipher new or unfamiliar words, e.g. predict text from the grammar, read on, leave a gap and re-read;
  • S3 to read familiar texts aloud with pace and expression appropriate to the grammar, e.g. pausing at full stops, raising voice for questions;

Word Level

  • W2 to read on sight high frequency words specific to graded books matched to the abilities of reading groups;
  • W3 to read on sight other familiar words;
  • W4 to read on sight approximately 30 more high frequency words from Appendix List 1;
  • W7 to spell common irregular words from Appendix List 1;


  • 10 to practise handwriting in conjunction with spelling (above) and independent writing, ensuring correct letter orientation, formation and proportion, in a style that makes the letters easy to join later.


Suggested texts, activities and resources: The Bear Under the Stairs - Helen Cooper; The Tiger who Came To Tea - Judith Kerr; Bear Hunt - Anthony Browne; Where the Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak

Narrative Language and Retelling: Week 1 (1)

Text Level

  • T3 to notice the difference between spoken and written forms through re-telling known stories; compare oral versions with the written text;
  • T13 to write about significant incidents from known stories;

Sentence Level

Word Level: PIPs Step

  • W1 to hear phonemes within consonant clusters
  • W3 to segment to spell words containing consonant clusters in the initial position (CCVC)
  • W4 to blend to read words containing consonant clusters in initial position (CCVC)
  • focus clusters: gl; sc; scr; sn; spr; sw; tw


  • W9 the terms 'vowel' and 'consonant';

Narrative Language and Retelling: Week 2 (1)

Text Level

  • T5 to re-tell stories, to give the main points in sequence and to pick out significant incidents;
  • T6 to prepare and re-tell stories orally, identifying and using some of the more formal features of story language;
  • T13 to write about significant incidents from known stories;

Sentence Level

  • S4 about word order, e.g. by re-ordering sentences, predicting words from previous text, grouping a range of words that might 'fit', and discussing the reasons why;

Word Level: PIPs Step 5

  • W1 to hear phonemes within consonant clusters
  • W3 to segement to spell words containing consonant clusters in the
  • initial position (CCVC)
  • W4 to blend to read words containing consonant clusters in initial position (CCVC)
  • Focus clusters: Dw; sk; spl; squ; str; shr; thr

Narrative Language and Retelling: Week 3 (1)

Text Level

  • See above T5, T6, T13

Sentence Level

Word Level: PIPs Step 5

  • W1 to hear phonemes within consonant clusters
  • W3 to segment to spell words containing consonant clusters in the final position (CCVC)
  • W4 to blend to read words containing consonant clusters in final position (CCVC
  • Focus clusters: sk; lp; ft; lt; lf;


  • W6 to investigate and learn spellings of verbs with 'ed' (past tense), 'ing' (present tense) endings;


Suggested texts, activities and resources: Poems about School - Brian Moses; The Sandwich That Max Made - Literacy Links

Themes and Poetry: Week 4 (1)

Text Level

  • T9 to read a variety of poems on similar themes, e.g. families, school, food;
  • T10 to compare and contrast preferences and common themes in stories and poems;

Sentence Level

  • T15 to use poems or parts of poems as models for own writing, e.g. by substituting words or elaborating on the text;

Word Level: PIPs Step 5

  • W1 to hear phonemes within consonant clusters
  • W3 to segment to spell words containing consonant clusters in the final position (CVCC)
  • W4 to blend to read words containing consonant clusters in final position (CVCC)
  • Focus clusters: Sp; ct; pt; xt

Themes and Poetry: Week 5 (1)

Text Level

  • T9 to read a variety of poems on similar themes, e.g. families, school, food;
  • T10 to compare and contrast preferences and common themes in stories and poems;
  • T16 to compose own poetic sentences, using repetitive patterns, carefully selected sentences and imagery;

Sentence Level

Word Level: Revise and consolidate


Suggested texts, activities and resources: At School - Karen Bryant-Mole; This Bowl of Earth - Jan Mark

Non-Fiction:Week 1 (2)

Text Level

  • T19 to identify simple questions and use text to find answers. To locate parts of text that give particular information including labelled diagrams and charts, e.g. parts of a car, what pets eat, clothes that keep us warm;
  • T22 to write own questions prior to reading for information and to record answers, e.g. as lists, a completed chart, extended captions for display, a fact file on IT.

Sentence Level

  • S7 to add question marks to questions.

Word Level: PIPs Step 6

  • W1 to know one representation of each of ten vowel phonemes (diagraphs ee, ai)
  • W2 to segment to spell words containing vowel phonemes (ee, ai) represented by more than one letter to blend to read words containing vowel phonemes (ee, ai) represented by more than one letter.

Non-Fiction: Week 2 (2)

Text Level

  • T18 to read recounts and begin to recognise generic structure, e.g. ordered sequence of events, use of words like first, next, after, when;
  • T20 to write simple recounts linked to topics of interest/study or to personal experience, using the language of texts read as models for own writing. Make group/class books, e.g. our day at school, our trip to…;

Sentence Level

Word Level: PIPs Step 6

  • W1 to know one representation of each of ten vowel phonemes (diagraphs ie, oa )
  • W2 to segment to spell words containing vowel phonemes (ie, oa) represented by more than one letter
  • W3 to blend to read words containing vowel phonemes (ie, oa) represented by more than one letter.

Non-Fiction: Weeks 3 & 4 (2)

Text Level

  • T17 to recognise that non-fiction books on similar themes can give different information and present similar information in different ways;
  • T21 to use the language and features of non-fiction texts, e.g. labelled diagrams, captions for pictures, to make class books, e.g. 'What We Know About…', 'Our Pets';

Sentence Level

  • S5 other common uses of capitalisation, e.g. for personal titles (Mr, Miss), headings, book titles, emphasis;

Word Level

  • W1 to know one representation of each of ten vowel phonemes (diagraphs oo (long) )
  • W2 to segment to spell words containing vowel phonemes (oo) represented by more than one letter
  • W3 to blend to read words containing vowel phonemes (oo) represented by more than one letter.


Comparing Texts: Week 5 (2)

Text Level

  • T7 to use titles, cover pages, pictures and 'blurbs' to predict the content of unfamiliar stories;
  • T8 to compare and contrast stories with a variety of settings, e.g. space, imaginary lands, animal homes;
  • T14 to write stories using simple settings, e.g. based on previous reading;

Sentence Level

Word Level

  • W4 to know one representation of each of ten vowel phonemes (diagraphs oo (long) )
  • W5 to segment to spell words containing vowel phonemes (oo) represented by more than one letter
  • W6 to blend to read words containing vowel phonemes (oo) represented by more than one letter.

Comparing Texts: Week 6 (2)

Text Level

  • See above T7, T8, T14

Sentence Level

  • S6 through reading and writing, to reinforce knowledge of term sentence from previous terms;

Word Level: PIPs Step 6

  • W1 to know one representation of each of ten vowel phonemes (diagraphs oi, ou )
  • W2 to segment to spell words containing vowel phonemes ( oi, ou) represented by more than one letter
  • W3 to blend to read words containing vowel phonemes (oi, ou) represented by more than one letter.

Comparing Texts: Week 7 (2)

Text Level

  • T10 to compare and contrast preferences and common themes in stories and poems;
  • T14 to write stories using simple settings, e.g. based on previous reading;

Sentence Level

Word Level: PIPs Step 6

Revision and consolidation of :
  • W1 to know one representation of each of ten vowel phonemes (diagraphs ai, ee, ie, oa, oo, ar, ir, oi, ou )
  • W2 to segment to spell words containing vowel phonemes (ai, ee, ie, oa, oo, ar, ir, oi, ou ) represented by more than one letter
  • W3 to blend to read words containing vowel phonemes (ai, ee, ie, oa, oo, ar, ir, oi, ou), represented by more than one letter.

    Other :

  • W5 to recognise words by common spelling patterns;