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Year 3 : Term 1

Lewisham Literacy Strategy


Fiction and Poetry: stories with familiar settings; plays; poems based on observation and the senses; shape poems.

Non-Fiction: (i) information books on topics of interest, (ii) non-chronological reports; (iii) thesauruses, dictionaries.

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5


Week 1
Week 2

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 5

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Continuous Work

Suggested texts, activities & resources:

Interactive activities: Drama: Time out: Show me: Get up & go: punctuation/ letter fans, whiteboards

Text Level

Sentence Level

  • S1 to use awareness of grammar to decipher new or unfamiliar words, e.g. to predict from the text, read on, leave a gap and return; to use these strategies in conjunction with knowledge of phonemes, word recognition, graphic knowledge and context when reading;
  • S2 to take account of the grammar and punctuation, e.g. sentences, speech marks, exclamation marks and commas to mark pauses, when reading aloud;

Word Level: Revision and Consolidation from KS1

  • W1 the spelling of words containing each of the long vowel phonemes from KS1 (Appendix List 3);
  • W2 to:
    • identify phonemes in speech and writing;
    • blend phonemes for reading;
    • segment words into phonemes for spelling;
  • W3 to read and spell correctly the high frequency words from KS1 (Appendix List 1);
  • W4 to discriminate syllables in reading and spelling (from Year 2);

Spelling Strategies

  • W5 to identify mis-spelt words in own writing; to keep individual lists (e.g. spelling logs) and learn to spell them;
  • W6to use independent spelling strategies, including
    • sounding out and spelling using phonemes;
    • using visual skills, e.g. recognising common letter strings and checking critical features (i.e. does it look right, shape, length etc?);
    • building from other words with similar patterns and meanings, e.g. medical, medicine;
    • spelling by analogy with other known words, e.g. light, fright;
    • using word banks, dictionaries, etc.;
  • W7 to practise new spellings regularly by 'look, say, cover, write, check' strategy;


  • 20 to practise correct formation of basic joins from Year 2:
    • diagonal joins to letters without ascenders, e.g. ai, ar, un;
    • horizontal joins to letters without ascenders, e.g. ou, vi, wi;
    • diagonal joins to letters with ascenders, e.g. ab, ul, it;
    • horizontal joins to letters with ascenders, e.g. ol, wh, ot;
  • 21 to ensure consistency in size and proportions of letters and the spacing between letters and words


Fiction: Weeks 1 and 2

Suggested texts, activities and resources: Girl Wonder and the Terrific Twins &endash; M. Blackman; The Shrinking of Treehorn &endash; F. Heide

Text Level

  • T19 to compare a range of story settings, and to select words and phrases that describe scenes;
  • T19 to generate ideas relevant to a topic by brainstorming, word association, etc.;
  • T19 19 to develop the use of settings in own stories by:
    • writing short descriptions of known places;
    • by writing a description in the style of a familiar story;
    • to investigate and collect sentences/phrases for story openings and endings &endash; use some of these formal elements in re-telling and story writing;

Sentence Level: Grammar for Writing Unit 12

  • S19 to use verb tenses with increasing accuracy in speaking and writing, e.g. catch/caught, see/saw, go/went, etc. Use past tense consistently for narration;
  • S19 to use the term 'verb' appropriately;

Word Level: Spelling Bank p4

  • W19 how the spellings of verbs alter when &endash;ing is added;

Fiction: Weeks 3 and 4

Text Level

  • T19 to be aware of the different voices in stories using dramatised readings, showing differences between the narrator and different characters used, e.g. puppets to present stories;
  • T19 to read, prepare and present playscripts;
  • T19 to recognise the key differences between prose and playscript, e.g. by looking at dialogue, stage directions, lay-out of text in prose and playscripts;
  • T14 to write simple playscripts based on own reading and oral work;

Sentence Level: Grammar for Writing Unit 3

  • S19 to secure knowledge of question marks and exclamation marks in reading, understand their purpose and use appropriately in own writing;

Word Level: Spelling Bank p44

  • W19 to investigate and learn to use the spelling pattern le as in little, muddle, bottle, scramble, cradle

Fiction: Week 5

Text Level

  • T19 how dialogue is presented in stories, e.g. through statements, questions, exclamations; how paragraphing is used to organise dialogue;
  • T19 using reading as a model, to write own passages of dialogue;
  • T15 to begin to organise stories into paragraphs; to begin to use paragraphing in presentation of dialogue in stories;

Sentence Level: Grammar for Writing Units 4 and 8

  • S19 the basic conventions of speech punctuation through:
    • identifying speech marks in reading;
    • beginning to use in own writing;
    • using capital letters to mark the start of direct speech;
  • S19 to use the term 'speech marks';

Word Level

  • S19 common vocabulary for introducing and concluding dialogue, e.g. said, replied, asked. Collect examples from reading;


Poetry: Week 1

Suggested texts, activities and resources: Noisy Poems &endash; J . Bennett: Give yourself a hug &endash; G. Nichols

Text Level

  • T6 to read aloud and recite poems, comparing different views of the same subject; to discuss choice of words and phrases that describe and create impact, e.g. adjectives, powerful and expressive verbs, e.g. 'stare' instead of 'look';
  • T8 to express their views about a story or poem, identifying specific words and phrases to support their viewpoint;
  • T12 to collect suitable words and phrases, in order to write poems and short descriptions; design simple patterns with words, use repetitive phrases; write imaginative comparisons;

Sentence Level: Grammar for Writing Unit 1

  • S3the function of verbs in sentences through:
    • noticing that sentences cannot make sense without them;
    • collecting and classifying examples of verbs from reading and own knowledge, e.g. run, chase, sprint; eat, consume, gobble; said, whispered, shrieked;
    • experimenting with changing simple verbs in sentences and discussing their impact on meaning;
  • S5 to use the term 'verb' appropriately;

Word Level

Poetry: Week 2

Suggested texts, activities and resources: Picture a poem &endash; G. Douthwaite

Text Level

  • T7 to distinguish between rhyming and non-rhyming poetry and comment on the impact of layout;
  • T12 to collect suitable words and phrases, in order to write poems and short descriptions; design simple patterns with words, use repetitive phrases; write imaginative comparisons;
  • T13 to invent calligrams and a range of shape poems, selecting appropriate words and careful presentation. Build up class collections;

Sentence Level: Grammar for Writing Unit 7

  • S13 to use commas to separate items in a list

Word Level

  • W16 to understand the purpose and organisation of the thesaurus, and to make use of it to find synonyms;
  • W17 to generate synonyms for high frequency words, e.g. big, little, like, good, nice, nasty
  • W18 to use the term 'synonym';


Non-Fiction: Week 1

Text Level

  • T16 to understand the distinction between fact and fiction; to use terms 'fact', 'fiction' and 'non-fiction' appropriately;
  • T17 to notice differences in the style and structure of fiction and non-fiction writing;
  • T12 to compare the way information is presented, e.g. by comparing a variety of information texts including IT-based sources;

Sentence Level: Grammar for Writing Unit 5

  • S9 to notice and investigate a range of other devices for presenting texts, e.g. speech bubbles, enlarged or italicised print, captions and headings, inset text. Explore purposes and collect examples

Word Level:Spelling Bank p 6-7

  • W10 to recognise and spell common prefixes and how these influence word meanings, e.g. un-, de-, dis-, re-, pre-;
  • W11 to use their knowledge of prefixes to generate new words from root words, especially antonyms, happy/unhappy, appear/disappear;
  • W12 to use the term 'prefix';

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Non-Fiction: Weeks 2 and 3

Text Level

  • T18 to locate information, using contents, index, headings, sub-headings, page nos., bibliographies;
  • T20 to read information passages, and identify main points or gist of text, e.g. by noting or underlining key words or phrases, listing the 4 or 5 key points covered;
  • T21 to make a simple record of information from texts read, e.g. by completing a chart of information discovered, by listing key words, drawing together notes from more than one source;

Sentence Level

Word Level

  • W13 to collect new words from reading and work in other subjects and create ways of categorising and logging them, e.g. personal dictionaries, glossaries;
  • W14 to infer the meaning of unknown words from context;
  • W15 to have a secure understanding of the purpose and organisation of the dictionary;

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Non-Fiction: Week 4

Text Level

  • T22 to write simple non-chronological reports from known information, e.g. from own experience or from texts read, using notes made to organise and present ideas. Write for a known audience, e.g. other pupils in class, teacher, parent.

Sentence Level: Grammar for Writing Unit 6

  • S10 to identify the boundaries between separate sentences in reading and in their own writing;
  • S11 to write in complete sentences;
  • S12 to demarcate the end of a sentence with a full-stop and the start of a new one with a capital letter;

Word Level

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Non-Fiction: Week 5

Text Level

  • T19 to compare the way information is presented, e.g. by comparing a variety of information texts including IT-based sources;
  • T22 to write simple non-chronological reports from known information, e.g. from own experience or from texts read, using notes made to organise and present ideas. Write for a known audience, e.g. other pupils in class, teacher, parent.

Sentence Level: Grammar for Writing Unit 9

Word Level

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