People and weather - Year 7

Key questions Key concepts Skills including ICT Place - case study Resources Possible activities (homework as appropriate) Assessment

What is the weather?

How do we observe and record the weather?

  • Weather
  • Observing
  • Recording using a database
  • Comparing
  • Using weather instruments
Local area
  • Information Workshop weather database
  • Excel spreadsheet
  1. Students log 2 records a day
  2. Compare the data
  • Quality of description
  • Quality of comparison
How does the weather effect people?
  • Human/ physical interaction
  • Environmental determinism
  • Empathising
  • Categorising
  • Mapping
  • Understanding latitude and longitude
  • Using the Internet
Atlantic hurricanes
  1. Brainstorm how weather effects people and how these can be categorised.
  2. Distinguish between everyday events and major phenomena.
  3. Analyse hurricane satellite photographs.
  • Skill in categorising
  • Accuracy of using maps with
  • satellite images
  • Ability in using evidence to empathise and advise.

How do people effect the weather?

What is global warming?

  • Human/ physical interaction
  • Cause/ consequence
  • Global warming
  • Research skills
  • Using the Internet and CD-ROMs
  • Sifting data
  • Literacy
Various global studies
  1. Students use a variety of sources to research - what has happened, where it has happened, why it has happened.
  2. Some students will set further geographical questions in their research and consider the presentation of their findings.
  • Accuracy in appropriately sifting data
  • Quality of geographical questions posed and research techniques.
Is global warming really happening and is it due to people?
  • Environmental vs. economic vs. political argument
  • Subjectivity
  • Discussing and debating
  • Questioning evidence and bias
  • Decision-making and justifying
  • Citizenship skills
  • Opportunity to use electronic mail
  1. Role-play activity - factory owner, pressure group representative, Chair of power generation industry, citizen.
  2. Students research and write speeches for their characters and debate the issues, including the use of email.
  3. Pupils must justify their stance in writing.
  4. Some pupils will present their arguments using non-textual media - posters, cartoons, video
  • Use of evidence to support ideas in speeches, the debate written
  • Quality of justification given for decisions and ideas
How would global warming effect the UK?
  • Environmental vs. human
  • Mapping using evidence
  • Predicting
  • Visualising
UK focus
  1. Mapping activity using Internet sites.
  • Accuracy of mapping
  • Politics
  • Prioritising possible solutions
  • Justifying

Rio and Kyoto conferences

Agenda 21

EU policy

  1. Students assess the Rio and Kyoto resolutions and EU and Local Agenda 21 statements.
  • Reasoning and use of evidence to support ideas
  • Quality of justification in making recommendations