ICT Activity Planner


Using a database to store and analyse weather

Year Group:

Year 7

Resources :

Database, spreadsheet


Students make a record of temperature, rainfall, cloud cover and type, wind direction and speed using a simple school weather station in the school grounds. They use their data to explore the nature of weather and weather change over a short period. The students investigate patterns in the data using various forms of presenting the data, drawing conclusions.


Task Description

Students will observe and record weather data in a prepared database, before school, morning break, lunch time and after school, over two weeks, using special instruments.

They will use data analysis techniques to explore patterns in the data and discuss what weather in order to determine what weather is and how it can be described quantitatively.


Learning Intentions
Geography Knowledge and Understanding ICT Skills, Knowledge and Understanding

ICT level
Collect, record and present evidence Collect, enter, analyse and evaluate quantitative and qualitative information, checking its accuracy

Analyse and evaluate evidence and draw and justify conclusions Analyse and evaluate quantitative information, checking its accuracy, interpreting and presenting it

Communicate in ways appropriate to the task and audience Create good-quality presentations sensitive to the needs of a particular audiences and suiting the information content

Geography PoS related to task: 1c, 1d, 1f (opportunities in addition for 2b, 7c) ICT PoS related to task: 1c, 3a, 3b  


Teaching Approach
Data gathering techniques (observing and recording) should be discussed as a class with particular emphasis on accuracy . Weather measuring instruments should be handled by students in groups, the way they are used explained and tried out in pairs. The database structure is discussed and the use of the database revised as a group. Individual students gather data and enter it into a prepared database. The analysis of the data should be revised and students analyse data and explore patterns in small groups.


Links with other curriculum areas
Possible links to science and quantitative analysis in mathematics.


Forms of Assessment

Teacher Observation

Peer/Self Assessment

Teacher/Child Discussion