Talent Map

Reordering and sequencing words and text

Age range: All

Literacy Objective: There are many Text Level opportunities for reordering and sequencing words and text.


In these activities, the teacher uses ICT to model sequencing and ordering sentences on the screen. This can be done using a data projector connected to a lap top but can done just as well on the class computer in front of the carpet area. The activity can be done in different ways, either using drag and drop or cut and paste (there are examples of both below) depending on the children and software available. Files created can be used as a demonstration tool but can also be used by small groups of children on the class computer or by the whole class in the ICT suite, to reinforce and revise the topic. The files can also be printed out and used as worksheets in which the children use scissors and glue to cut and paste the old fashioned way. The focus in these examples is instructions but can easily be adapted to support fiction texts (sequence parts of a story for example).


Cut and paste activity

Drag and drop activity

All these examples were created using Claris 5

Cup of tea drag and drop activity
Cup of tea cut and paste activity
Cleaning teeth cut and paste activity


Ken Maslin ICT Advisory Teacher ken.lewisham@lgfl.net