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Primary Maths

In Maths ICT can enhance teaching and learning by enabling pupils to:

This extract is taken from page 31 of the National Numeracy Strategy Framework.

Click here to see the section of the introduction: What resources do we need? In particular, scroll down to the section on ICT. It is well worth reading at this point.

You can explore these ideas further now if you like, by looking at the Mathematics ICT in the Curriculum pages on the Virtual Teacher Centre (VTC). There are further ideas in the Primary Curriculum links pages, (look for the Maths section) and in the Primary Teaching and Learning with ICT area. (The VTC Mathematics site is well worth a thorough exploration. It gives you many useful links as well as teaching ideas.)

Using ICT to Support Mathematics in Primary Schools

A very useful pack has been sent to Primary schools. It includes training materials, and a CD-ROM Sample Lessons using ICT. If you want to find out more about this pack, or to download some activity sheets, click here to go to the Sample Lessons using ICT page on the DfES Standards web site.

Sample Lesson Plans and Worksheets for ICT in Mathematics

We have included here some examples of how ICT can be used to support specific objectives in teaching numeracy.

You might like to try these out, or to think of ways of adapting them for your own class.

ICT and Mathematics

In the NNS pack 'Using ICT to Support Mathematics in Primary Schools' is a free CD-ROM with 17 software programs. Many of these programs and ICT activities are available on-line. To look at the self-study units that develop these ideas, use the links below. The following self-study units are adapted from 'Guide for your professional development: Using ICT to support mathematics in primary schools'. This book is included in the training pack of the same name that schools can obtain on request from the National Numeracy Strategy.



In year groups or phase groups, discuss the examples and suggested activities in the NNS pack 'Using ICT to support mathematics in primary schools'. Review your schemes of work, medium-term plans and activities and identify your own examples and topics where you might use ICT.


The following table has been compiled to illustrate possible links between the DfEE Information Technology scheme of work and the National Numeracy Strategy for key stages one and two. More information clarifying the numeracy objectives can be found by referring to the supplements of examples in the Framework for Teaching Mathematics. Refer to the units listed below for examples of how ICT can enhance teaching and learning in maths.


IT Scheme of Work Numeracy Framework Possible Activities

Year 1 Unit 1D

Title: Labelling and classifying

Year: 1 Topic: Shape & space

Objective: Use everyday language to describe features of familiar 3D and 2D shapes

1. Using a program with drawing facility set an activity on the computer which allows the children to click and drag correct labels to shapes. The labels could describe name, colour, size or number of sides.

2. The children select words from a prepared word bank to give the name, colour and size of their 2D or 3D shape. They then print out a label for their shape.

Year 1 Unit 1E

Title: Representing information graphically: pictograms

Year: 1 Topic: Handling data

Objective: Sorting, classifying and organising information in simple ways such as pictures

Carry out a survey to find out what is the favourite fruit, colour, pet etc. of the class. Enter data. Create a pictogram and say what they have found out. Encourage more able children to answer more complicated questions such as "Are there more cats than dogs? How many more?"

Year 1 Unit 1F

Title: Understanding instructions and making things happen

Year: 1  Topic: Shape & space,  Measures (time)

Objective: Use everyday language to describe position, direction and movement - Order familiar events in time

1. Using directional language such as forward, back, left and right to give instructions to a partner to get to another part of the room. Introduce concept of distance, number of steps, and size of turn.

2. Entering one instruction at a time, program a floor turtle to move from one part of the room to another.

Year 2 Unit 2D

Title: Routes: controlling a floor turtle

Year: 2  Topic: Shape & space

Objective: Use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement - Recognise whole, half and quarter turns to the left or right, clockwise or anti-clockwise

Program a floor turtle to travel round a route. Children should start to enter a series of instructions. The route could be a map of an imaginary town The turtle could be a bus. Each chid should take a turn to program the turtle to reach his next destination, chosen by the previous child. The children should predict the route, program the turtle then test out their predictions.

Year 3 Unit 3C

Title: Introduction to databases

Year: 3  Topic: Handling data

Objective: Solve a given problem by organising and interpreting numerical data in simple lists, tables and graphs

In pairs the children come up with two or more questions about their class e.g. Who is the tallest person? Is the tallest person the oldest? The children decide the information they will need to gather. The teacher will set up a database with all the necessary fields. Each pair work together to gather all the information then each child enters their own record. The children then search the database to find the answer to their own questions. The more able children can go on to produce graphs to display their findings.

ICT supporting Handling Data

Click here to see the self-study unit of the NNS pack on Handling data.

Handling Data

Click here to see the NNS list of eight activities on handling data. These eight activities are about interpreting data. They have been adapted from 'Handling Data' - a booklet which is part of the training pack 'Using ICT to support mathematics in primary schools'.

Year 4 Unit 4B

Title: Developing images using repeating patterns

Year: 4 Topic: Shape & space

Objective: Recognise reflective symmetry in 2D shapes, reflections and translations

Show the children some designs which use symmetry. Using either two images from clipart or images that they have created using painting tools, the chidden create a symmetrical pattern by copying and pasting,rotating and flipping horizontally and vertically their original images.

Year 4 Unit 4C

Title: Branching databases

Year: 4  Topic: Shape & space

Objective: Classify polygons using criteria such as number of right angles, whether or not they are regular, symmetry properties.

1. Using a prepared data base the children identify a number of polygons.

2. Demonstrate how to create a branching database. Ask the children to create a branching database to identify different triangles or quadrilaterals.

Year 4 Unit 4D

Title: Collecting and presenting information: questionnaires and pie charts

Year: 4  Topic: Shape & space

Objective: Solve a problem by collecting, organising, representing and interpreting data in tables, charts, graphs and diagrams including those generated by computer. (Pie charts are not introduced in the Framework until year 6)

The children should collect and enter data and produce appropriate graphs to help them solve problems such as Do taller people have longer legs? Is there a direct correlation between height and size of feet? Do train journeys always take longer on Sundays?

Year 4 Unit 4E

Title: Modelling effects on screen

Year: 4  Topic: Shape & space

Objective: Begin to know that angles are measured in degrees and that a whole turn is 360 degrees etc.

1. The children program the screen turtle to draw regular shapes. They should learn to use repeat commands and to write procedures.

2. The children create patterns by instructing the screen turtle to rotate a shape

Year 5 Unit 5A

Title: Graphical modelling

Year: 5  Topic: Shape & space

Objective: Recognise where a shape will be after reflection and after a translation

Using a drawing package the children create geometric shapes. By copying, pasting, reflecting and translating the shapes the children produce an image.

Year 5 Unit 5B

Title: Analysing data

Click here to see the NNS list of eight activities on handling data.

Year: 5  Topic: Handling data

Objective: Solve a problem by interpreting data in tables, charts, graphs and diagrams including those generated by computer

1. Ask the children to search a prepared database on birds to look for evidence to prove or disprove that the number of eggs laid by particular birds depends on the size of the birds. They should produce graphs to support their conclusions.

2. Ask the children to record their pulse rate after various forms of exercise, enter the information into a database and search the database to find which are the most strenuous forms of exercise and which are the least. They should produce graphs to support their conclusions.

Year 5 Unit 5D

Title: Introduction to spreadsheets

Year: 5  Topic:Solving problems

Objective: Solve mathematical problems or puzzles, recognise and explain patterns and relationships, generalise and predict. Suggest extension by asking "What if....?"

1. Ask the children to use a spreadsheet to help them find three consecutive numbers with a total of 333.

2. Ask the children to use a spreadsheet to help them find two consecutive numbers with a product of 182.

Year 6 Unit 6B

Title: Spreadsheet modelling

Year: 6  Topic: Solving problems

Objective: Solve mathematical problems or puzzles, recognise and explain patterns and relationships, generalise and predict. Suggest extension by asking "What if ....?"

1. Ask the children to use a spreadsheet to help them find two consecutive numbers with a product of 1332.

2. Ask the children to use a spreadsheet to find the maximum area that can be included in a field of fixed perimeter.


For further ideas on how ICT can be utilised to enhance teaching and learning in Mathematics you should explore the Numeracy Strategy site further. You could also visit the maths section on the Teaching Ideas website and the Teachernet website.


ICT Resources for Mathematics

Generic software

Name: ClarisWorks*

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Integrated software with word processor, drawing, painting and spreadsheet applications.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Apple

Name: Hyperstudio*

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: A multimedia tool which could be used to develop mathematical concepts through shape, space and measures. Shapes are explored on screen and projects can be presented by pupils and stored on disc for future use.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - http://www.taglearning.com

Name: First Workshop

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Database

Platform: PC

Supplier: Black Cat Software  - 01874 622114  - http://www.blackcatsoftware.com

Name: Information Workshop

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Database

Platform: PC

Supplier: Black Cat Software  - 01874 622114  - http://www.blackcatsoftware.com

Name: Microworlds Maths Links Logo*

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Supports shape, space and measures topics

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - http://www.taglearning.com

Maths CD-ROMs and software

Name:  Henry’s Party

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: Foundation Stage and KS1

Description: Activities for matching, sorting and counting - Mac & PC

Platform: PC and Mac


Name: Numbershark

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Mathematical games for SEN

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: White Space - 020 8748 5927

Name: Developing Number

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Suitable for work on place value, decimals, mental arithmetic and multiplication tables

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: ATM - 01332 346599

Name: Heinemann Mathematics

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Practice of basic skills

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Heinemann - 01865 888020

Name: Maths Workshop

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Basic numeracy skills 

Platform: PC

Supplier: The Learning Company

Name: Maths Blaster

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Based on space mission, content includes four operations, fractions, decimals, percentages, estimation and problem solving

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Cendant Software

Name:  Graphers

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1

Description: Tool for creating data which can then be represented on a table or six different types of graphs 

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sunburst - 01474 357350

Name: Times Tabler

Type: Software

Key Stage: 2

Description: Practice of times tables

Platform: PC


Name: Tabs

Type: Software

Key Stage: 2

Description: Constructing 3D shapes and objects which can be rotated on screen. Nets can be printed.

Platform: PC


Name: Pick a Picture

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1

Description: Introductory data handling program for the Foundation Stage

Platform: PC

Supplier: Black Cat Software  - 01874 622114  - http://www.blackcatsoftware.com

Name: Counter for Windows

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: A collection of 3 programs for producing graphs. They include Counting Pictures, Counter and Counter Plus

Platform: PC

Supplier: Black Cat Software  - 01874 622114  - http://www.blackcatsoftware.com

Name: The Number Works

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Interactive Maths activities to support numeracy and arranged in 3 levels of difficulty. Keeps track of individual pupil's progress.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sherston Software  - 01666 843200  - http://sales.sherston.co.uk

Name: Crystal Rain Forest

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Introduces, develops and teaches Logo in a carefully constructed way. It has 2 levels of difficulty.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sherston Software  - 01666 843200  - http://sales.sherston.co.uk

Name: Primary Maths 1 & 2

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Animated activities that allow pupils to do sorting and matching, ordering, adding, shapes, weight, length, etc. - Mac & PC

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sherston Software  - 01666 843200  - http://sales.sherston.co.uk

Name: Thomas the Clown

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1

Description: Interactive educational tool to develop problem solving skills. It is designed to develop shape recognition and an understanding of patterns and measures.

Platform: PC

Supplier: Granada Learning - 01618272927 - http://www.granada-learning.com

Name: Maths Explorer

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Activities to support the National Curriculum with activities and investigations covering averages, data handling, probability, etc.

Platform: PC

Supplier: Granada Learning - 01618272927 - http://www.granada-learning.com

Name: Logical Journey of the Zoombinis

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Pupils develop skills of mathematical reasoning by solving mathematical problems, classifying sorting and developing

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - http://www.taglearning.com


Name:  Pixie Floor Turtle

Type: Peripheral

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description:  Floor turtle that can be programmed by pupils.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Swallow systems - 0494 813471

Name:  Pip Floor Turtle

Type: Peripheral

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description:  Floor turtle that can be programmed by pupils.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Swallow systems - 0494 813471

Name: Valiant Roamer

Type: Peripheral

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description:  Floor roaming device that can be programmed by pupils.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Valiant




*This software is available for purchase by Lewisham schools at reduced prices through the Lewisham ICT Centre (020-8314 9441).



Web sites for Maths


 Teaching Resources, Activities and Reference materials

Lewisham ICT Resource Centre - explore this area to see what information and materials are available.


The Standards web site -  access to numeracy schemes of work, activities, guidance and news on the NNS. The site is worth exploring for other subjects as well.


Primary support pages on the Virtual Teachers Centre web site (masses of information here: start with the web sites and look for the Maths links, or go to the Mathematics curriculum links on the 'Spotlight on Curriculum' pages. This site is good for all other subject areas as well.


Mathematics area on the Virtual Teachers Centre web site (masses more information here: start with the links on the 'Subject Resources' pages.


Schemes of work for ICT, Numeracy strategy, etc.


The BECTa web site for general ICT support information


MegaMaths - online activities linked to BBC programme. (You might need to download and install Shockwave plug-in. This is an additional software item that will enable animations on this site to work with your browser).


NRICH Maths Club. Online Interactive Maths activities


Primary Resources - Lots of maths activities, lessons and ideas.


Teaching Ideas - lots of activities for maths from age 5 - 11


Mathematics on the Internet: more links to maths sites.


Teaching Ideas - Lots of ideas for using ICT to enhance teaching and learning in the Numeracy Hour.


Microworlds Project library - Maths link logo projects for you to download


Tantalizing Tessellations - Lesson plans and activities.


More activities for numeracy and ICT


Maths activities on Deptford Green School's web site for pupils and teachers.


Downloadable Numeracy resources from an LEA


Plane Maths - A wealth of fun maths and science activities. KS2 pupils may choose to fly a virtual plane, build a kite, or estimate plane capacity. Teacher's pages outline objectives, concepts, and further activities. An exciting and essential resource for all those studying flight.


Math Forum: Beat the calculator. Number strategies for calculating with the four rules.


MathsNet - Mathematical ideas, software and activities (Site moved - try this now:)


Kent NGfL Initiative - an excellent source for materials and links


More to be added...
Organisations, Journals and Conference Sites

The Mathematical Association


The VTC Mathematics Conference: Join the discussion group


MicroMath Journal - content of current and past issues


Be a Mathematician. The London primary curriculum development group.


Association of Teachers of Mathematics


Using ICT in Mathematics: A Pupil's Entitlement - Maths resources on the Virtual Teachers Centre site.


Virtual Teachers Centre Web sites for maths education


More to be added...