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Primary Science

In Science ICT can enhance teaching and learning by enabling pupils to:

You can explore these ideas further now if you like, by looking at the Science ICT in the Curriculum pages on the Virtual Teacher Centre (VTC). There are further ideas in the Primary Curriculum links pages, (look for the Science section) and in the Primary Teaching and Learning with ICT area. (The VTC Science area is well worth a thorough exploration. It gives you many useful links as well as teaching ideas.)

ICT and Science

The following table suggests possible ICT activities for each of the units in the DfEE Science scheme of work for key stages one and two that could be engaged in by pupils to enhance their learning. Links with the DfEE Information Technology scheme of work for key stages one and two are illustrated where they exist.

Science Scheme of Work

ICT Opportunity

Year 1 Unit 1A

Title: Ourselves

Possible ICT Activity: Set up a template using a drawing program which the children can use to label external parts of the body e.g. arm, leg, knee, nose. The children will label the parts by clicking and dragging.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 1B Using a Word Bank]

Ask the children to suggest ways in which they differ. Help them to collect data about themselves e.g. hair colour, eye colour, size of feet. The children can then enter this data into a simple graphing program and produce a pictogram. Ask the children to answer a simple question such as "Which is the most common eye colour?"

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 1E Representing information graphically: pictograms]

Set up a template using a drawing program displaying an assortment of pictures of animate and inanimate objects. Ask the children to sort the pictures into two groups by clicking and dragging.

Year 1 Unit 1B

Title: Growing plants

Possible ICT Activity: After taking the children on a walk around the school to find plants growing in as many different places as they can ask the children to draw some of the plants that they saw using a paint program.

Using a template prepared using a drawing program ask they children to label the main parts of a plant.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 1B Using a Word Bank]

Year 1 Unit 1C

Title: Sorting and using materials

Possible ICT Activity: Using a word bank, click on the appropriate name, size, colour, material of object. Print information & label object.

 [ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 1D Labelling and classifying ]

Prepare a template which allows the children to make an information chart about materials and their uses.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 1B Using a Word Bank]

Year 1 Unit 1D

Title: Light and dark

Possible ICT Activity: Label sources of light.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 1B Using a Word Bank]

When reviewing work on light with the children ask them to produce a picture using a paint program which makes a clear distinction between light and dark or day and night.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 2D Creating pictures]

Year 1 Unit 1E

Title: Pushes and pulls

Possible ICT Activity: Prepare a template, using an object based piece of software, which presents the children with pictures of a variety of objects that can be made to move by a push or a pull. Ask the children to click and drag to sort the pictures into groups according to whether they are moved by pushing or pulling.

Year 1 Unit 1F

Title: Sound and hearing

Possible ICT Activity: Present the children with a range of musical instruments and ask them to them into groups according to how they make their sound. Use a WP program to create labels for their groups.  

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 1D Labelling and classifying ]

Using a simple Data handling program enter information about the musical instruments; such as name, how the instrument makes its sound, what the sound is like and whether they like or dislike it. They could produce pictograms to represent the information and the more able could sort their information with help.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 1E Representing information graphically: pictograms]

Using a CD-ROM such as Musical Instruments ask the children to find out about other Musical instruments and how they make their sounds.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 2C Finding information]

Ask the children to use a sound sensor to measure sound as they get further from the source and then as they move closer to it.

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Year 2 Unit 2A

Title: Health and growth

Possible ICT Activity: Carry out a survey with the children about favourite foods. Ask the children to enter the information into a simple graphing program and present the results first as a pictogram and then as a block graph, then ask them to compare the two graphs.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 2E Questions and Answers]

Year 2 Unit 2B

Title: Plants and animals in the local environment

Possible ICT Activity: Use a CD-ROM (e.g. Encyclopedia of Nature) to find out about animals found in different habitats or about the life cycles of different creatures.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 2C Finding information]

Choose two contrasting localities e.g. a pond and a grassy area. Ask the children to predict then find out which plants and animals can be found in each. The children can then enter their findings in a prepared database and, with help, sort their information to answer questions.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 2E Questions and Answers]

Year 2 Unit 2C

Title: Variation

Possible ICT Activity: Use a CD-ROM (e.g. Microsoft Dangerous Creatures) to gather information about animals and where they live. Place information in a simple database of animal and country. Find out which country is the most dangerous!

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 2C Finding information]

Ask the children to speculate on differences between them, coming up with questions such as "Do people with the biggest feet have the biggest hands?" or "Can people with the longest legs jump the furthest?" Help the children to make the required measurements and enter them into a prepared database. They can then sort the database to answer their questions.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 2E Questions and Answers]

Year 2 Unit 2D

Title: Grouping and changing materials

Possible ICT Activity:

Ask the children to use a CD-ROM encyclopaedia to find out how some materials such as glass and paper are made from naturally occurring materials.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 4A Writing for different audiences ]

Year 2 Unit 2E

Title: Forces and movement

Possible ICT Activity: While allowing the children to explore toy cars rolling down a ramp ask them to record the results from their various investigations into prepared spreadsheets and produce block graphs.

If one is available they could use an automatic timer to measure the speed that different cars travel down the ramp.

 [ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 2E Questions and Answers]

Year 2 Unit 2F

Title: Using electricity

Possible ICT Activity:

Explore the classroom and identify appliances which use mains electricity. Visit other parts of the school and identify other electrical appliances. Help the children to record all the appliances and what they do e.g. light up, make sound, heat up, move. Prepare a database for them to enter the information into. Help them to carry out a simple search to answer a straight forward question e.g. How many appliances produce sound.

 [ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 2E Questions and Answers]

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Year 3 Unit 3A

Title: Teeth and eating

Possible ICT Activity: Use a CD-ROM to find out about the food eaten by different animals. Investigate a question such as "Do all cats eat the same food?" Help the children decide how best to present their findings e.g. in a table as a bar chart or as a pictogram. Decide if any conclusions can be drawn.

Produce a spreadsheet to categorise favourite foods. Each pupil enters their own data, totals the number in each category and produces a pie chart of the categories showing the balance of their favourite foods.

Ask the children to produce a leaflet or poster advising others how to keep their teeth healthy or promoting a healthy diet. The leaflet must include text and graphics.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 3A Combining text and graphics]

Year 3 Unit 3B

Title: Helping plants grow well

Possible ICT Activity: Present the children with two similar plants e.g. geranium. Carry out an investigation to find out if plants need leaves to grow well. Remove the leaves from one plant and place both plants in the same place. Measure the height of the plants regularly over a period of weeks and record the results in a spreadsheet. Produce a graph to show the results. Help the children to interpret the graph to draw some conclusions.

Record the results of investigations into the conditions plants need to grow in a spreadsheet and produce graphs of the results. The children can use the graphs to help them draw conclusions.

Investigate the ideal conditions for growth whilst using a simulation such as "Botanical Gardens".

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 3D Exploring Simulations]

Year 3 Unit 3C

Title: Characteristics of materials

Possible ICT Activity: Investigate which pair of tights are the stretchiest. Record the lengths of different tights when the same weights are added. Create database and enter information. Produce a bar chart to show results.

Produce a table of the properties of common materials e.g. wood, glass, metal, rubber, plastic, wool,cotton, ceramics.

Year 3 Unit 3D

Title: Rocks and soils

Possible ICT Activity: Pupils could write an account, using a word processing, desk top publishing or multimedia package, of how different materials are used in local buildings. This should be illustrated with scanned or digital photographs and/or other images.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 3A Combining text and graphics]

Pupils could use CD-ROMS and websites as well as books to review the uses of different rocks and link them to their characteristics.

Year 3 Unit 3E

Title: Magnets and springs

Possible ICT Activity: Pupils could use CD-ROMS and websites as well as books to find out about the everyday uses of e.g. in recycling materials, in the home.

Show the children how to make a catapult or "push meter " using elastic bands using elastic bands to propel a toy car along. Ask them to predict what will happen if the band is stretched different amounts. Ask the children to record their measurements in a spreadsheet. They can then create a graph of their results and look for patterns in the measurements.

Year 3 Unit 3F

Title: Light and shadows

Possible ICT Activity: Pupils could use CD-ROMS and websites as well as books to investigate how sundials were constructed and used.

At different times during a bright, sunny day visit the playground, set up a stick and measure the length of the shadow. Ask the children to record their measurements in a spreadsheet. They can then create a bar chart of their results and look for patterns in the measurements.

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Year 4 Unit 4A

Title: Moving and growing

Possible ICT Activity: Starting from a question such as "Who have the longest arms, boys or girls, children or adults?" or "Are adults heads bigger than children's?" decide fields, collect data, enter data into a data handling package. Produce a bar chart & pie chart. Discuss which graph is most appropriate. Ask the children to describe what the graph shows.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 3C Introduction to Databases]

Pupils could use CD-ROMS and websites as well as books to a)look at skeletons of humans and other animals and identify similarities and differences between them. b) find out about how animals without bony skeletons are supported.

Year 4 Unit 4B

Title: Habitats

Possible ICT Activity: Sort different animals on a branching database. E.g. wings /no wings,number of legs, shell/no shell etc.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 4C Branching Databases]

After a field trip to collect organisms and recording the locations and conditions in which they were found e.g. light, water, soil, shade, temperature collate the information by entering it into a database.

Year 4 Unit 4C

Title: Keeping warm

Possible ICT Activity: Use data logging interfaces and temperature sensors to record the temperature at different points in the classroom over at least 24 hours. (Carrying out this experiment over several days in winter, including a weekend, should raise questions of when the heating system comes on!). The time axis is usually calibrated from the start time so make a note of this time and note time of day for points on the graph.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 5F Monitoring environmental conditions and changes]

Ask the children to investigate which materials will keep a container of water warm the longest. They must plan a fair test and record their results in a spreadsheet. They can then produce a variety of graphs and decide on the best one to show their results.

Year 4 Unit 4D

Title: Solids, liquids, and how they can be separated

Possible ICT Activity: Use CD-ROMS and websites to illustrate molten metals or molten lava. Ask the children to use CD-ROMS and websites to find out more about melting metals.

Year 4 Unit 4E

Title: Friction

Possible ICT Activity: Ask the children to carry out an investigation into the effect of rolling a car down: a)slopes with different surfaces b)slopes of different elevations. Use a spreadsheet to record the results. Produce a graph to show results.

Ask the children to investigate parachutes e.g., does the size of the parachute affect how long it takes to fall? Use a spreadsheet to record the results. Produce a graph and use it to identify a pattern in the results.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 5D Introduction to spreadsheets ]

Year 4 Unit 4F

Title: Circuits and conductors

Possible ICT Activity: Show the children a video of the dangers of mains electricity. Discuss the differences between devices which can be run on batteries and those which require mains electricity. Ask the children to use Desk Top Publishing software to produce a poster or leaflet warning of the dangers of mains electricity

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 4A Writing for different audiences]

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Year 5 Unit 5A

Title: Keeping healthy

Possible ICT Activity:

Use secondary sources such as CD-ROM and the Internet to :

a) find out about foods which are rich in fat/oils, those which are rich in sugars/starch and those which provide materials needed for growth.

b) find out how the heart and lungs work .

Record each child's pulse rate at rest. Enter the data into a spreadsheet and make a bar chart . Ask the children questions e.g. Which was the most common range of pulse rate? What were the highest and lowest pulse rates? Were these very common?

Use data logging equipment to record pulse after different types or periods of activity. Enter the data into a spreadsheet and produce a line graph. Ask them to interpret their graphs.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 5F Monitoring environmental conditions and changes ]

Year 5 Unit 5B

Title: Life cycles

Possible ICT Activity:

Use secondary sources such as CD-ROM and the Internet to :

a) find out how the seeds of different plants are dispersed and to record their information in a table.

b) investigate the stages of growth and development of different species. Enter the information that they find into a spreadsheet and produce graphs in order to make comparisons between newly born animals of different species and humans in terms of their dependence on their parents.[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 6D Using the Internet ]

Use a computer microscope to examine the stamen and pollen grains of different flowering plants and identify the differences between them.

Create a leaflet using DTP software / create a multimedia presentation which provides information about and solicits support for a program which is trying to overcome the threat of extinction for a particular species. The research for this activity could be carried out using the Internet

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 6A Multimedia presentation]

Year 5 Unit 5C

Title: Gases around us

Possible ICT Activity: Use secondary sources such as CD-ROM and the Internet to find out about a range of gases and how they are used. They could use DTP software to present their findings as a poster or an information leaflet.

Create a multimedia presentation, or create summary cards using DTP software, to explain to new year 5s ways in which solids, liquids and gases differ.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 6A Multimedia presentation]

Year 5 Unit 5D

Title: Changing state

Possible ICT Activity:

Ask the children to plan fair tests to investigate the factors which affect the speed at which water evaporates. Ask them to record their results in a spreadsheet and to produce graphs representing them. They can then compare the results from different investigations, discuss what they show about the factors affecting the speed of evaporation and make generalisations.

Show the children a chart or graph of the temperature of container of water as it is being heated up e.g. temperature rising 5 degrees every minute from 20 C to 45 C and ask them to predict what the next 5 readings will be. Ask them to carry out the experiment in which they heat up a container of water and use a temperature sensor to record the temperature every minute. They can then compare their results with their predictions.

Use a temperature sensor to record the temperature of a mixture of ice and water at five minute intervals over a period of two or three hours. Discuss what the data shows about the melting temperatures of ice and the temperature of the room. Ask the children to predict what the data would show if the room was ten degrees hotter.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 5F Monitor environmental conditions and changes.]

Use secondary sources such as CD-ROM and the Internet to find out about where our water comes from. Use the information alongside what they have learnt about evaporation and condensation, and earlier work on rocks and soils,  to build up the water cycle on first principles.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 6D Using the Internet to search large databases and to interpret information.]

Year 5 Unit 5E

Title: Earth, Sun and Moon

Possible ICT Activity: Use the Internet to gather pictures of the sun, earth and moon, and information about the size and mass of each. Record this information in a simple database and present it as a poster.

Use secondary sources such as CD-ROM and the Internet to:

  • illustrate the earth spinning on its axis
  • find out what a year is
  • illustrate the changes in the appearance of the moon over a period of approximately 28 days.

Ask the children to enter information about the times of sunset and sunrise at regular times throughout the year on a spreadsheet and then to produce a graph of the information. Ask the children if they can identify any patterns in the data. E.g. when the sunrise is earlier the sunset is later.

Year 5 Unit 5F

Title: Changing sounds

Possible ICT Activity:

Present the children with a range of materials e.g. bubble wrap, foam sheeting, artificial fur, blanket material and ask them which would be best for muffling a sound. Ask them to plan and carry out a fair test , using a sound sensor to measure sound

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 5F Monitor environmental conditions and changes.]

Ask the children to use secondary sources including CD-ROM and the Internet to find out about different aspects of sound. They can then create a multimedia presentation to present their information to the class. 

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 6A Multimedia presentation]

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Year 5/6

Unit 5_6H

Title: Enquiry in environmental and technological contexts

Possible ICT Activity:

When carrying out a survey to find out how dandelions growing in two different locations differ e.g. long grass and short grass ask the children to record their information in a spreadsheet and produce graphs to show their results. Ask them to identify and describe patterns in their data.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 5D Introduction to spreadsheets]

At the end of the investigation ask the children to use DTP software to prepare a poster display of their question, their plans, their results and one sentence to sum up their findings.

They could, instead, create a multimedia presentation to present their findings

 [ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 6A Multimedia presentation]

When designing a burglar alarm the children could use control software.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 5E Controlling devices, Unit 6C Controlling and monitoring]

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Year 6 Unit 6A

Title: Interdependence and adaptation

Possible ICT Activity: Ask the children to use secondary sources including CD-ROM and the Internet to find out about a specific animal and a specific plant, that lives in a contrasting habitat that might not be in their own locality, and how it is suited to the habitat in which it lives. They can then use a DTP software to create an information card about the organism. A class display of the animals and plants in this habitat could then be created.

Alternatively the information could be entered into a database.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 6D Using the Internet to search large databases and to interpret information.]

Ask the children to use DTP software to construct food chains.

Year 6 Unit 6B

Title: Micro-organisms (short unit)

Possible ICT Activity: Ask the children to use secondary sources including CD-ROM and the Internet to find out about scientist who developed the "germ" theory e.g. Jenner, Pasteur. They could create a multimedia presentation of the information they find. Alternatively, they could enter their information into a database.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 6D Using the Internet to search large databases and to interpret information.]

Ask the children to use secondary sources including CD-ROM and the Internet to find out about the uses of micro-organisms in food production. They could create an information leaflet, or a multimedia presentation, of the information that they find.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 6A Multimedia presentation]

Year 6 Unit 6C

Title: More about dissolving

Possible ICT Activity: Ask the children to forecast how much water would be needed to dissolve 'n' scoops of coffee/sugar/bicarbonate of soda. Use a spreadsheet to record predictions. Carry out the experiment , recording the results on the spreadsheet. Ask them to present their results as a bar line graph.

Year 6 Unit 6D

Title: Reversible and irreversible changes

(short unit)

Possible ICT Activity: Discuss safety in relation to burning things. Show hazard labels from fabrics or furniture and discuss these in relation to safety at home. Ask the children to use DTP to create a poster illustrating some of the hazards of burning things.

Year 6 Unit 6E

Title: Forces in action

Possible ICT Activity: Ask the children to use a force meter to weigh a series of objects using a force meter, first when suspended in air then when suspended in water. [Do not include objects that float]. They should record their measurements in a spreadsheet and produce a graph representing their results.

Ask the children to explore what happens to the length of an elastic band when weights are suspended from it. They should record their measurements in a spreadsheet, represent their results as a line graph and look for patterns in their data. Ask them to make predictions from the graph e.g. What will the length of the elastic band be if another weight is added. They should then test their predictions.

[ICT Scheme of Work: Unit 5D Introduction to spreadsheets]

Year 6 Unit 6F

Title: How we see things (short unit)

Possible ICT Activity:

Ask the children to explore ways in which the shadow of a figure can be made to change. Ask them to suggest questions they could investigate e.g. What happens to the size of the shadow when you move the figure nearer the light? They then need to plan the investigation and decide on the measurements that they are going to take. They should record their results in a spreadsheet and present them as a line graph. Discuss with the children patterns in the results.

Year 6 Unit 6G

Title: Changing circuits (short unit)

Possible ICT Activity: Pupils could use a spreadsheet to record results of brightness of a bulb for different thicknesses and lengths of wire in a circuit. They could display the results in graphical form. Pupils could then write an account of their experiment using a word processor and comment on their graph. They should look at the question of how could they make the experiment better, e.g. find a better way of measuring the brightness of the bulb, as well as other aspects of the experiment described in the Scheme of Work.


ICT Resources available to support science teaching include:

Generic software

Name: ClarisWorks*

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Integrated software with word processor, drawing, painting and spreadsheet applications.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Apple

Name: HyperStudio*

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: A multimedia tool which could be used to develop mathematical concepts through shape, space and measures. Shapes are explored on screen and projects can be presented by pupils and stored on disc for future use.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - www.taglearning.com

Name: First Workshop

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Database

Platform: PC

Supplier: Black Cat Software  - 01874 622114  - www.blackcatsoftware.com

Name: Information Workshop

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Database

Platform: PC

Supplier: Black Cat Software  - 01874 622114  - www.blackcatsoftware.com

Name: Granada Branch

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: A binary branching database program which encourages pupils to sort and classify information in an imaginative way. The children can use ready prepared datafiles as well as create their own. Supports unit 4c of the QCA IT SOW.

Platform: PC

Supplier: Black Cat Software  - 01874 622114  - www.blackcatsoftware.com

Name: Information Workshop

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Spreadsheet

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Microsoft - www.microsoft.com

Name: Information Workshop

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Multimedia presentation software with which pupils can create a presentation to present their findings.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Microsoft - www.microsoft.com

Science CD-ROMs and software

Name: Encyclopedia of Science 2.0

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Interactive CD-ROM for research. Enables children to extend their knowledge.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Dorling Kindersley/TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - www.taglearning.com

Name: Encyclopedia of Space and the Universe

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Interactive CD-ROM for research. Enables children to extend their knowledge.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Dorling Kindersley/TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - www.taglearning.com

Name: Encyclopedia of Nature 2.0

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Interactive CD-ROM for research. Enables children to extend their knowledge.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Dorling Kindersley/TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - www.taglearning.com

Name: The New Way Things Work by David Macaulay

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Interactive CD-ROM for research. Enables children to extend their knowledge.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Dorling Kindersley/TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - www.taglearning.com

Name: Interfact: Electricity and Magnetism

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Includes a circuit simulator, history of the subject matter, interactive activities and experiments which enable children to extend as well as test their knowledge.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Two Can Publishing Ltd.-020-7684 4000

Name: Simple Circuits

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Allows children to create and test electrical circuits

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Soft Teach Educational - 01985 840329 - www.soft-teach.co.uk

Name: The Ultimate Human Body

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Interactive CD-ROM for research. Enables children to extend their knowledge.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Dorling Kindersley/TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - www.taglearning.com

Name: Musical Instruments

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Interactive CD-ROM for research. Enables children to extend their knowledge.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Microsoft/TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - www.taglearning.com

Name: Science Explorer

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Covers electricity, light and sound, human beings, forces and motion and the material world. Contains interactive experiments, a slide show, further information and a short test on each topic.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Granada Learning -01618272927 - www.granada-learning.com

Name: Body Mapper

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Supports the topic "Ourselves" through ICT. Presents factual information and encourages children to express their own knowledge and opinions, to collect and collate data and to compare results.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: TAG Learnings - 0800 591262 - www.taglearning.com

Name: My Amazing Human Body

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1

Description: A multimedia CD-ROM which enables children to extend their knowledge through interactive games, quizzes and experiments.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Dorling Kindersley/REM 01458 254700 - www.r-e-m.co.uk

Name: Science Fair

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1

Description: Covers: electricity; forces and motion; light and sound; Earth, Sun and Moon in Space; day, night, and seasons. Through interactive activities it enables children to develop as well as reinforce their learning.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sherston - 01666 843200  - sales.sherston.co.uk

Name: Botanical Gardens

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Modelling. Pupils are introduced to principles of systematic investigation. They experiment with the growth of different plants while varying the environmental conditions; they control elements such as temperature, light, water and feed. Results are recorded graphically. Pupils can then interpret the graphs and form hypotheses about the conditions each plant needs.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sunburst (TAG) - 01474 357350

Name: Ecosystems

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: Upper KS 2

Description: Modelling. Allows pupils to explore interdependency.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sunburst (TAG) - 01474 357350

Name: Creepy Crawlies

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Interactive CD-ROM for research. Enables children to extend their knowledge.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sony Electronic Publishing

Name: Mammals

Type: Software / CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Interactive CD-ROM for research. Enables children to extend their knowledge.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: National Geographic Society

Name: Sammy's Science House

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Covers all major study areas. Through activities children can learn about plants, animals, seasons and weather. They can create their own weather in a weather machine. They can build toys and machines. They learn to sort and group things, and to associate similar objects.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Iona/REM 01458 254700 - www.r-e-m.co.uk

Name: A Field trip to the Sea

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Pupils are introduced to the diversity of life in the kelp forest and rocky shore island. Includes food chain activity.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sunburst (TAG)- 01474 357350

Name: A Field trip to the sky

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Allows pupils to study Sun-Earth-Moon relationships. Includes a multimedia encyclopaedia, a visual database, an interactive laboratory and a challenging game.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sunburst (TAG)- 01474 357350

Name: A Field trip to the Rainforest

Type: Software

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Information package through which children can explore the South American rainforest.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sunburst (TAG)- 01474 357350

Name: Talking Topics

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Six talking and animated books including 'Ourselves', 'Pets' and 'The Seashore'. Makes information accessible to children regardless of reading ability.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Sherston - 01666 843200  - sales.sherston.co.uk

Name: Ourselves

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Provides teachers with differentiated activities to support work in 'Humans as Organisms' element of the National Curriculum. Introduces children to presenting data in different ways.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Granada Learning -01618272927 - www.granada-learning.com

Name: All about Ourselves

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 1

Description: Supports the Life Processes and Living Things section of the Science National Curriculum. An interactive CD-ROM which presents pupils with opportunities to collect, store, retrieve and present scientific information.

Platform: PC

Supplier: Granada Learning - 01618272927 - www.granada-learning.com

Name: Being a Scientist

Type: CD-ROM

Key Stage: 2

Description: Helps develop pupils powers of investigation, observation and deduction.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Anglia Multimedia / TAG Learning - www.taglearning.com

Datalogging Equipment

Name: Junior Insight

Type: peripheral

Key Stage: 2

Description: Datalogging software which can be used with many different interfaces.

Platform: PC and Mac


Name: Logit

Type: peripheral

Key Stage: 2

Description: Datalogging equipment

Platform: PC a

Supplier: Griffin and George - 01509 233344 www.griffinandgeorge.co.uk

Name: Ecolog

Type: peripheral

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: A portable remote datalogger with built-in sensors. Plug in sensors can also be purchased. Can be used linked to the computer or set up to collect data on its own.

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Data Harvest - 01525 373666 www.data-harvest.co.uk

Name: *Lego Control Lab

Type: peripheral

Key Stage: 2

Description: Data Logging

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Lego

Name: Sense & Control

Type: peripheral

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Datalogging

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Data Harvest/Logotron - 01223 425558- www.logo.com

Name: First Sense

Type: peripheral

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Datalogging

Platform: PC and Mac

Supplier: Philip Harris - 01543 482216

Name: Polar Beat Heart Rate Monitor

Type: peripheral

Key Stage: 2

Description: A wrist watch which monitors heart rate during different forms of exercise. Data can then be entered into a data handling package and analysed.

Platform: All

Supplier: Bodycare - 01926 811600 - www.bodycare.co.uk


Name: Intel Play QX3 Computer Microscope & CD-ROM

Type: peripheral

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: A computer microscope which magnifies at 10, 60 or 200 times. Images are displayed on the computer screen. Once captured images can be exported to other desktop published documents. Possibilities for using this microscope in the classroom are endless.

Platform: PC [USB and Windows 98 or higher required]

Supplier: TAG Learning - 0800 591262 - www.taglearning.com


Name: IT in Primary Science

Type: Book

Key Stage: 1 & 2

Description: Ideas for integrating ICT and Science in the primary school. Includes samples activities covering all areas of both subjects as well as a list of recommended software. Includes lesson plans and photocopiable sheets for use in the classroom.

Platform: All

Supplier: The Association for Science Education (Booksales) -www.ase.org.uk

*This software is available for purchase by Lewisham schools at reduced prices through the Lewisham ICT Centre (020 8314 9441).  

Web sites for Science

Teaching Resources, Activities and Reference materials

Lewisham ICT Resource Centre - explore this area to see what information and materials are available.


Primary support pages on the Virtual Teachers Centre web site (masses of information here: start with the web sites and look for the Science links, or go to the Science curriculum links on the 'Spotlight on Curriculum' pages. This site is good for all other subject areas as well.


Science area on the Virtual Teachers Centre web site (masses more information here: start with the links on the 'Subject Resources' pages.


The Standards web site -  access to primary schemes of work, activities, guidance and news. The site is worth exploring for other areas as well.


The BECTa web site for general ICT support information


BBC Education web site - A range of useful information, lesson material, interactive web pages and other links for Science


The Four Seasons Project web site - includes video footage and classroom activities for observing the weather, the changes of the season and energy usage.


An interesting interactive game where pupils select different kitchen items and cleaning agents to kill the microbes safely. Needs shockwave plug-in. Must be used on-line. [Note from editor March 02 - this link now takes you to the main science page; I couldn't find the game.]


Kent County Council Nature Grid web site. Pupils have the opportunity to follow nature trails on-line.


Healthy Choices - A wealth of materials for planning lessons non healthy eating


Roger Frost's Front Page - support and ideas for Science and ICT


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Organisations, Journals and Conference sites

VTC Web sites for primary education


ASE -  Information on all aspects of Science teaching


The VTC Science Conference: Join the discussion group


GlaxoSmithKline Active Science



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