ICT ActivityPlanner


Visit a Publishers to research and write articles and produce pages for a newspaper to deadlines. Evaluate and present the outcome of the work.


Resources: Internet, Printer, Fax, digital camera, template for newspaper, MS Publisher, Hyperstudio




The task is designed to Consolidate English work and Focus on ICT





As part of a GNVQ Business Studies unit focused on the media and computers, pupils were given the opportunity to visit a printers to engage in a real life publishing activity with deadlines for copy. Before the visit pupils were taught to evaluate how different newspaper layouts and presentation contribute to effect and identify characteristics of different writing styles in relation to audience. Most pupils had experience of using desk top publishing software and the Internet.

Task Description




During the visit to the publishers, each pupil was asked to choose a role. Editor, sub-editor, features writer, entertainment writer and sports writer. Pupils researched their stories using the Internet and newspapers and wrote articles for their page. Stories were then combined with pictures to produce a page of a newspaper using Publisher. Pupils returned to school and wrote up their work in the form of a presentation using Hyperstudio.

Learning Intentions

English : Knowledge and Understanding


ICT: Skills, Knowledge and Understanding


ICT Level








Read short texts. Plan, draft, write and proof read a short article.

Understand that the Internet can be used to find information. Use dtp to combine pictures and text and Hypermedia to present a short write up of their work.



Read several texts and select relevant information for articles. Plan, draft, write and proof read several articles.

Use the Internet to find and select relevant information. Use dtp to layout pictures and text and Hypermedia to present an evaluation with an awareness of audience.



Independently read a wide range of texts, synthesise and select relevant information. Plan, draft, write and proof read publication for a newspaper.

Relevant and irrelevant

Use the Internet to find and select relevant information using complex lines of inquiry. Use dtp to publish a newspaper page and Hypermedia to present an evaluation showing a clear sense of audience.



English POS related to task:

Reading:4, 5b,

Writing: 1h, 2a, 4e, 5c

ICT POS related to task:

1a, 1b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 4d

Teaching Approach

During the visit pupils were given a whole class demonstration on how to use a digital camera and MS Publisher and were helped individually to use the Internet for research. Pupils were encouraged to choose publishing roles which best suited their interests and aptitudes. After the visit pupils were introduced to Hyperstudio as a presentation tool and were then given time (about 30 mins) to use the inbuilt tutorial to introduce them to Hypermedia concepts and vocabulary.

Links with other curriculum areas

English: Reading and Writing

Maths: This activity could have been extended to include number: area of advert and price per square cm.

Form of Assessment

Teacher Observation

Peer/Self Assessment

Teacher/Child Discussion